
9 Spanish Jokes For Kids To Learn The Language

jokes for kids

Having a good laugh when studying Spanish – is there any better way to learn?

Today, I’ll show you a few innocent yet funny Spanish jokes for kids. Use them to practice your understanding of everyday language, learn new words, and even try them on your own children! 

I am sure they are going to love them!

Here we go:

Jaimito Jokes for Kids in Spanish

Every language has its prototype of a witty kid. The English language has its Billy jokes; Spanish replaces his name with “Jaimito” ( little Jaime) or Pepito (little José). These two boys might seem a bit silly, but they always outsmart other people. 

Jaimito and the teacher

En la escuela, la maestra dice:
– A ver, Jaimito, ¿cómo te imaginas la escuela ideal?
Juanito le contesta:
– Cerrada, maestra, cerrada.

At school, the teacher says:
Let’s see, Jaimito, how do you imagine your ideal school?
Jaimito answers:
Shut down, madam. Shut down.

Jaimito and the bus

Jaimito se sube a un bus y le pregunta al chofer:
Señor, ¿cuánto cuesta el bus?
El chofer le responde:
Pues, 10 pesos.
Jaimito cuenta las monedas y luego dice con una voz fuerte:
– ¡Vale, que se bajen todos!¡ Lo compro!

Jaimito gets on a bus and asks the driver, 
Sir, how much is the bus?
The driver answers:
Well, It’s 10 pesos.
Jaimito counts his coins, and then he says in a loud voice:
Okay, everybody off! I’m buying it!

Jaimito and the bicycle

Jaimito le pregunta a su amigo Pepito:
¿Sabías que mi hermano anda en bicicleta desde los cuatro años?
Pepito se queda pensando y luego le dice:
Hmmm, ya debe estar bastante lejos entonces.

Pepito says to his friend Jaimito:
¿Did you know that my brother has been riding his bike since he was 4?
Jaimito thinks for a while, and then he says:
Hmmmmm, he must be pretty far by now, then. 

Animal Jokes for Children in Spanish

Another perfect topic for Spanish jokes for kids is animals. Check out the ones below to see if you understand them and, more importantly, if you find them funny.

The mosquito family

Una madre mosquito le dice a sus hijos mosquititos:
Hijos, tienen mucho cuidado con los humanos y no se acerquen a ellos ya que siempre quieren matarnos.
Pero uno de los mosquitos le dice:
No, mami, eso no es cierto. El otro día un humano se pasó la tarde aplaudiéndome.

A mother-mosquito says to her baby-mosquitos:
Children, be careful with humans and don’t get close to them because they always want to kill us.
But one of the baby-mosquitos answers:
No, Mommy, that isn’t true. The other day a human spent the whole afternoon clapping for me.

The worried snake

Una niña serpiente le pregunta a su mamá:
Mamá, ¿somos venenosas?
La madre, sorprendida, le contesta:
¿Porqué quieres saber, hija mía?
Entonces la niña serpiente le dice:
Es que me mordí la lengua

A little snake asks her mom:
Mom, are we poisonous?
Her mother, surprised, answers:
Why do you want to know, my child?
So the little snake says:
It’s because I’ve bitten my tongue. 

Watch out for the dog.

Va un hombre a visitar a su amigo y ve un letrero que dice: 
“Cuidado con el perro.”
Mira al perro y se sorprende de ver lo pequeñito que es. 
Habla con su amigo y le dice:
– ¿Para qué pones ese letrero, si el perro es tan pequeño que no puede morder a nadie?
Su amigo le contesta:

– Sí, ¡pero no sabes la cantidad de veces que me lo han pisado!

A man goes to visit his friend and sees a sign that says: 
“Beware of the Dog”
He talks to his friend and asks:
Why have you put up that sign if the dog is too small to bite anyone?
His friend answers:
Yeah, but you have no idea how many times he has been stepped on!

Puns in Spanish to Practice the Double Meaning of Words

Do you know the jokes that use words or phrases with multiple meanings? Or words that sound the same? They are called “puns,” and you can find lots of them in Spanish. 

Let’s see if you can find the pun in the jokes below:

Fire in the zoo

En el zoológico dos jirafas conversan y una le dice a la otra:
– ¿Supiste que ayer incendiaron la jaula del oso?
Su amiga, curiosa, pregunta:
– ¿Y de quién se sospecha?
Y la otra le contesta:
– Se dice que fue la llama.

In the zoo, two giraffes are talking, and one says to the other one:
Have you heard that someone burned down the bear’s cage?
Her curious friend asks:
Whom do they suspect?
And the other one answers:
They say it was the llama.

Did you get it? Well, of course! “Llama” can mean two things in Spanish. One is an animal name, and the other is “flame.” 

A duck and a pig

Un pato y un chancho salieron a caminar. Llegaron a un puente y al cruzarlo el chancho se cayó al agua.
El chancho asustado le grita al pato:
– ¿Qué hago, Pato, qué hago?
Y el pato le grita de vuelta:
– ¡Nada, chancho, nada!

Y asi fue como el chancho se ahogó.

A duck and a pig went for a walk. They arrived at a bridge, and when crossing it, the pig fell into the water. 
The scared pig screams:
What do I do, duck, what do I do?
And the duck screams back:
Swim, pig, swim. 
And this is how the pig drowned. 

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Hmmm, why did the pig drown if the duck told him to swim? Very simple: “nada” also means “nothing” in Spanish. And since the pig did nothing, no wonder he didn’t survive.

The sinner

Un hombre arrepentido va a la iglesia para confesarse. Le pregunta al cura:
– ¿Qué puedo hacer con mis pecados, padre?
El cura le contesta:
– Ora, hijo. Ora.
El hombre, un poco confundido, le dice:
– Son las tres y media, padre, pero no me ha contestado mi pregunta. 

A remorseful man goes to church to confess. He asks the priest:
What can I do about my sins, father?
The priest answers:
Pray, my son, pray.
The man, a little confused, says:
It’s half-past three, father, but you haven’t answered my question.

Struggling to understand the pun? Let me give you a hint: “ora” (pray) and “hora” (hour) sound exactly the same. 😉

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Joanna Lupa
Joanna Lupa
Polish by birth, Chilean by the turns of life. Has spent 20 years in that beautiful South American country working as a language teacher and translator. Has taught Spanish and English to students of all proficiency levels. Passionate about languages, books, and traveling. A mother of 2 trilingual teenagers.

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